Provisions on Participation in Political and Public Life
The Government shall through deliberate policies and
measures guarantee, to persons with disabilities, political rights and the
opportunity to enjoy them on equal basis. For instance, full and effective participation and
inclusion mean that political election processes do not exclude persons with
disabilities, ensuring, for example, that voting locations are accessible and
election procedures and materials are available in multiple formats and easy to
understand and use.
Linked to the concept of
participation and inclusion is that of universal design, which is defined in
the Convention as the “design of products, environments, programmes and
services that should be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible,
without the need for adaptation or specialised design”.
In particular, Government shall ensure that
persons with disabilities effectively and fully participate in political and
public life on equal basis, directly or through freely chosen representatives,
including the right and opportunity for persons with disabilities to vote and
be elected, inter alia, by (i) ensuring that voting procedures, facilities and
materials are appropriate, accessible and easy to understand and use; (ii) protecting
the right of persons with disabilities to vote by secret ballot in elections
and public referendum without intimidation; (iii) to stand for elections and,
to effectively hold office and perform all public functions at all levels of
government; (iv) facilitating the use of assistive and new technologies where
appropriate; (v) guaranteeing the free expression of the will of persons with
disabilities as voters and to this end, where necessary, at their request, allowing
assistance in voting by a person of their own choice; (vi) designate a
constituency of five seats to represent and promote the interests of persons
with disabilities in the national assembly
Government shall undertake to promote an
environment in which persons with disabilities participate fully in the conduct
of public affairs, without discrimination and on an equal basis with others,
and encourage their participation in public affairs, including (i) participation in non-governmental
organizations, Boards of Statutory Corporations, diplomatic missions and other associations concerned with the
public and political life of the country, and in the activities and
administration of political parties; (ii) forming and joining organizations of
persons with disabilities to represent persons with disabilities at local,
regional and international levels.
Under the same Article, the Bill also outlines
obligations of Government to promote the right of persons with disabilities to
participate in the planning, organizing, management, monitoring and evaluation
of all development programs and projects at the community level.
Any person who contravenes the above
provisions shall be guilty of an offence and liable, in the case of an
individual, to a fine of K100, 000.00 and to imprisonment for five years; or in
the case of a body corporate, to a fine of one million Kwacha; or any other
measure the court may deem appropriate to redress the situation.
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