Outline of Disability Policy
Chapter One of the National Policy on Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities is an introductory chapter which sets the background of the policy stating its purpose and aim. The Policy also describes briefly how it links with other existing policies and other pieces of legislation such as the Constitution of Malawi which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of disability and promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities; Vision 2020; the now out-dated Malawi Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (MPRSP); and Malawi Economic Growth Strategy (MEGS). Chapter Two describes the existing situation of persons with disabilities including the prevalence rate of disability and the key challenges and barriers faced by persons with disabilities, such as poverty, inaccessible public and private buildings; exclusion, marginalisation and vulnerability; HIV and AIDS; employment; and exploitation. . In Chapter Three, the document sets broad policy directions, and highlights ...