Policy on Equalisation of Opportunities

The National Policy on Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities was developed in order to promote the rights of persons with disabilities and to allow them to play a fully integrated and participatory role in society in Malawi.

Besides mainstreaming disability on the social, economic and political agenda of development programmes, the policy also aims to ensure that persons with disabilities access the same fundamental rights and have the same responsibilities as any other citizen of Malawi and that they are included in all political, social and economic development initiatives. In this regards, the policy recognises the need for persons with disabilities to be involved in the development of national programmes, projects and services.

One of the strategies to achieve inclusion is to promote the availability of useful equipment, skills and services to all persons with disabilities, which will enable them to achieve and maintain their optimum physical, sensory, intellectual and social functional level. The Policy provides a general framework for formulating strategies towards disability prevention, rehabilitation and equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities. Such strategies would include programmes that create greater awareness and conscientiousness of communities and government relating to disability as well as programmes that alleviate poverty amongst persons with disabilities and their families.

It seeks to support community-based service delivery, in collaboration with local and international development agencies and organisations while promoting efforts that encourage positive attitudes towards children, youth, women and adults with disabilities. It adopts the Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) as a national strategy in view of its proven potential to contribute to the empowerment of persons with disabilities in the country’s selected districts. It acknowledges that this strategy should be implemented through the combined efforts of people with disabilities, their families and communities, and the appropriate health, education, vocational and social and other related services.

Finally, the Policy strengthens the National Advisory and Coordination Committee on Disability Issues (NACCODI) by, among other things, ensuring the effective representation of persons with disabilities and other stakeholder organisations. NACCODI was established to advise Government on all technical aspects of disability issues; commission research and prepare technical documents required by Government; provide policy guidance to the Ministry responsible for persons with disabilities; provide Government with annual reports on progress with implementation of the National Policy on Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities; and Oversee the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of disability-related programmes.

It is envisaged that NACCODI would also play a vital role in ensuring that disability is mainstreamed in all line Ministries and Departments and that the requisite funds are allocated in the respective budgets and utilised accordingly.


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