More Language and Behavioural Etiquette

This week, we continue from where we left last week; listing down examples of preferred terminology concerning persons with disabilities.

Please note, however, that these guidelines are not exhaustive and that some language which is considered appropriate by one person may not be considered appropriate by another. If you are unsure about the language you are using, then ask the disabled person what they feel most comfortable with and continue to use this language whilst in their presence.

Here are more examples of the preferred terminologies:
      Most disabilities are not a disease. Do not call person with a disability a "patient" unless referring to a hospital setting. In an occupational and physical therapy context, "client" or "customer" is preferred.
      Some diseases by legal definition are considered disabilities. Victimization imagery ("AIDS victims") or defining the person by the disease ("she is a diabetic") is inappropriate. Use "person with diabetes" or "people living with AIDS".
      People who consider themselves as part of Deaf culture refer to themselves as "Deaf" with a capital "D". Never use the terms Deaf-mute or Deaf and Dumb.
      Use "person with Down syndrome." Avoid "Mongol" or "mongoloid."
      Avoid "mentally retarded", "insane", "slow learner", "learning disabled" and "brain damaged". Use "person with an intellectual disability", or "person with a psychiatric disability".
      Avoid "cerebral palsied" and "spastic". Use "person with cerebral palsy".
      Avoid "dwarf" or "midget". Some groups prefer "little/short", but its best to use "person of short stature".
      Use "man with paraplegia" or "she has quadriplegia". Avoid "paraplegic" or "quadriplegic" as either a noun or adjective.
      Avoid raising your voice or talking as if speaking to a child with hearing impairment. Maintain your usual pitch volume and rhythm when speaking
      Avoid interrupting a person with speech impairment and trying to finish sentences for them. Listen patiently and ask for clarification if you have not understood.
      Avoid putting your hands near your mouth when communicating with someone who is Deaf or hearing-impaired. Ensure that they have a clear view of your face.
      Avoid playing ‘guess who’ games with people who are blind or visually impaired. Rather, introduce yourself by name to a person who is blind.
      Avoid looking down at a person in a wheelchair for a prolonged period. In stead sit down and talk to them. This makes eye contact easier and means they are not constantly craning their neck to look up at you.
      Avoid speaking to a disabled person’s friend or support worker when your conversation is directed at the person with a disability. Speak directly to the disabled person.

Once again, remember that words are important, so make sure your words do not offend or reinforce negative stereotypes. Negative and patronising language produces negative and patronising images.


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