Provisions on Discrimination, Accessibility in Health Care
This week we continue looking at the provisions under Part III, which underscores on the rights of persons with disabilities and places obligations on Government and other stakeholders to ensure that those rights are enjoyed by persons with disabilities. Article 25, in particular, focuses on prohibition or discrimination in health care institutions. The Article reads: (1) No person shall be denied access to health care services in any health establishment or be charged a higher fee for any such services, on the grounds of disability. Any person who contravenes sub section (1) shall be guilty of an offense and shall be liable, in the case of an individual, to a fine of K100, 000.00 and imprisonment for five years; or in the case of a body corporate, organization or association, to a fine of one million Kwacha. Article 25(3) stipulates that not withstanding the provisions of sub section (2), a court may, in addition to any penalty imposed on a person convicted, order in...