Welcome to the “disABILTY FOCUS”

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you, readers, to this new blog, The disABILTY FOCUS which tackles issues affecting persons with disabilities in Malawi and beyond. As you may be aware, while most of us have been reading a number of blogs on the Internet and columns in newspapers and other publications focusing on a thematic issue like gender, most of you will however testify that this is probably the first time you will be reading, and following, a blog that specifically tackles issues on disabilities in Malawi. It is in this context why the authors – Mussa Chiwaula of Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA) and George Mwika Kayange of Child Rights Information & Documentation Centre (CRIDOC) – have initiated the blog. Through this blog, we intend to help raise awareness and encourage debate on key issues that affect persons with disabilities in Malawi. We also aim to assess the role of various stakeholders in the promotion of rights ...